Author: eatmygoal
Arsenal’s Ramsey, Mertesacker & Koscielny butcher ‘Return of the mack’ with cheesy cover
Oh Arsenal, what have you done??
With the season all but over once Arsenal have competed in the FA Cup final this weekend, it is now time for the ‘Return of the fan’ – quite possibly the cheesiest thing you like to see before some other bored out their mind media type from another club thinks “hey, lets see which other 90’s songs we could make a terrible cover out of, while pushing some endorsement.”
Ramsey, Mertesacker & Koscielny’s miming aside, ‘Return of the fan’ seems amount to little more than some guys that have been on a hiatus from their significant others while supporting Arsenal, but are now ready to swoop on in and get that Ikea furniture finally assembled. You know, cus blokes watch football, and women can’t assemble furniture and all that. Oh, and throw in some not so subtle product placement in as well for good measure.
All very fucking dreadful indeed.
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