A big part of me is desperate for this new ‘revolutionary’ toe poke boot endorsed by the likes of Harry Redknapp and Garth Crooks to be a massive wind up. An extravagant PR stunt that whips everyone into a frenzy about delivering the perfect toe poke, only for the dream to be cruelly ripped away. My fear however, is that it is anything but, and we could soon ‘Arry lining his pockets as players being stomping around with stubby looking, hardened toe’s at the end of their boots.
Yes, you might be able to greatly enhance the much loved and under utilised toe poke, but don’t Sunday League players – and pros for that matter – have enough pain to endure without being on the end of a hardened boot after a missed timed tackle on a crisp Sunday morning.
The revolution will not be televised, the revolution will be poked.