Taking time out from stuffing his face with bacon baps, Adam Lallana has revealed the mouth watering lengths he goes through to keep-up his unrelenting energy levels.
Running man Lallana often tops the distance covered charts in the Premier League, and given the amount he’s wolfing down each day it’s easy to see why he’s so motivated to burn off the calories.
Speaking to Liverpool’s official website with a full mouth of food and crumbs flying every which way, Lallana gave a run down of his diet over a 48 hour period that sandwiched the Manchester City and Sunderland games. Here’s what the greedy midfielder managed to chew his way through:
7.30pm – Full plate of pasta in the dressing room immediately after the City game.
10.30pm – Another big plate of pasta with meat at home.
Sleep – Presumably this is when Lallana has nightmares about people throwing out scraps.
7.45am – Toast in bed.
10.00am – Weetabix and a banana.
12.00pm – Two bacon and egg sandwiches made by his starving dad.
3.00pm – Arrives at training for Yoghurt and a Ryvita-type bread with chicken on and a shake.
5.30pm – Pasta, chicken and veg.
8.30pm – Arrive at the Stadium of light and promptly stuff two big sandwiches, packed with meat, and a yoghurt from the sandwich station.
Sleep – Counting donuts jump over fences.
Match day morning – “Eat as much as you can.”
So there you have it. If you want to run like Adam Lallana, you’d better start eating everything in sight. For motivation, here’s a live ‘feed’ from Melwood of Lallana tucking into some carbs after training.